Sunday, May 12, 2019

Risk Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Risk Management - Case Study ExampleThe server has been assigned an impact treasure of 100, and a control has been implemented that reduces the impact of the vulnerability by 75 pct. There is an 80 percent certainty of the assumptions and data.Operator use the MGMT45 control ease to monitor operations is the server room. It has no tidings and is susceptible to unlogged misuse by the floozie. Estimates show the likelihood of misuse is 0.1. There are no controls in place on this plus, which has an impact rating of 5. There is a 90 percent certainty of the assumptions and data.From the above data, the three assets for the company are extremely valuable. The fol junior-gradeing is how the organization will approach in paygrade and additional of more controls. Switch L47 has 2 vulnerability. Vulnerability 1Switch L47 connects a network to the cyberspace should be evaluated first, and additional controls put in place to secure the internal network from external attacks. This asset is extremely signifi chiffoniert since there are many attackers constantly trying to access the company information. Therefore, securing alter L47 is important. It has percentage impact (90%) with high uncertainty of 25%. There is no any control in place to secure this asset hence it should be given priority. Server WebSrv6Hosts should be the chip peerless to be evaluated and additional measures put in place. It has high impact rate and 20% of uncertainty rate. It is second to be evaluated although it has 100 impact value because it has a control in place already. The MGMT45 control console to should be the last one to be evaluated since it has low impact value of 5 with a low rate of uncertainty (10%). It can be evaluated and secured last. There is only one source of risk which the operator hence it is easy to evaluate and provide appropriate measures.This is a very essential decision house tool with high capability to analyze and help users in making decisions. It was develope d by Agena Limited. It is can

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